Vision and Mission


We live in a world where digital technologies are transforming the workplace as well as impacting everyday activities.  Digital technologies are also changing the way people can learn – as they provide new ways to access and exchange information, create and disseminate new knowledge, communicate and collaborate.  These developments have enormous implications for K-12 schools, opening up new opportunities we should capitalize on to better prepare the next generations.

An increasing number of school districts in the region are beginning to leverage the power of digital technologies for instruction in interesting and complementary ways.  We believe there is a lot to be gained from learning from each other and collaborating – as it will help avoid common pitfalls, replicate what has worked and leverage resources


Support Western New York K-12 schools in leveraging digital technologies to enhance student learning and better prepare tomorrow’s workforce.

Core Strategies

To support school districts interested in leveraging digital technologies, the K-12 Digital Consortium will:

  • Promote the sharing of information and lessons learned across districts
  • Provide information about professional learning opportunities and other support services
  • Facilitate access to valuable resources
  • Create networking opportunities to promote collaborations
  • Act as a catalyst to attract funding to support regional efforts
  • Support districts interested in getting started

Examples of How We’re Putting Our Mission Into Practice Website

Our key vehicle to share stories and information with Consortium members. Includes updates on Consortium events and offerings, links to selected resources, shared stories, and more.

Conversations on Digitally-Rich PL

Two Zoom conversations have been conducted with district members representatives to better understand the needs and challenges of delivering PL after the pandemic, as well as the new options offered by online technologies.

Noyce MTF grants

Two $3M grants from the National Science Foundation have been supporting the preparation of 39 teacher leaders across several Consortium members – generating leadership capacity as well as insights we will all benefit from.