Learning Opportunities

Take advantage of workshops, symposia, courses, webinars, podcasts and other professional learning opportunities about instructional technology available in our area – or accessible online to anyone anywhere. In addition to increasing your knowledge, these events will provide you with valuable opportunities to network with like-minded educators across the region.

Local PL Opportunities

Learn more about conferences, colloquium series and other events around digitally-rich teaching and learning offered in our region.

We have also included here information about Selected Past Events – which in most cases will give you access to artifacts (such as handouts, Powerpoint slides, or videos) related to specific presentations.


As schools are increasingly engaging in technology innovations, they need more teachers and school leaders who specialize in this new area and can take leadership roles in it. To position yourself at the forefront of this movement, consider gaining higher education credentials that can position you as an expert and leader. As a Consortium member, you may also be eligible for some significant scholarships!