Become a Member

Joining as a regular member is easy, as it will only require you to:

  • Complete this online application, providing the requested information and stated commitments
  • Arrange for an “Onboarding Meeting”. Contact Dave Miller for more information-

NOTE: Once your district’s membership has been approved, this information will be shared on our website to enable others to contact your district; if there is any of this information that you would like to keep private, please let us know.

Members’ Benefits:

  • Access to Consortium’s events and shared resources
  • Opportunity for recognition about your district’s technology implementation efforts through the Consortium website
  • Opportunities to be included in grant-funded projects and/or applications
  • Access to consulting services (up to two free per year by Zoom)

Members’ Basic Expectations:

  • Commitment to participate in dialogue about best practices, resources and systems to support uses of digital technology
  • Willingness to share selected data and information about past and current efforts with leveraging technology
  • Identification of a “liaison” from the district’s leadership team (serving as the contact person, responsible to provide information as requested)

Have questions about membership?

Online Application Form