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Use the “Contact Us” tab to send us a request. Generally the answer is “yes”, as long as you conform with copyright requirements and acknowledge the source and school district.
The content posted on is the sole property of the respective school districts and is managed and curated by the Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester. Use of content for commercial and/or publication purposes is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the source school district and the Warner School of Education.
School stories and infographics are shared on the website with the permission of member school districts of the Western New York Digital Conversion Consortium.
Membership requirements for the Consortium include attendance at a regional workshop and submission of content that can be used for creation of the school infographic. Please contact us with your request using the “CONTACT US” tab below.
Consortium workshops are scheduled on a periodic basis throughout the school year. If you are interested in a workshop, please use the “CONTACT US” tab to request participation and also include a rough count of the number of faculty and staff that you would like to attend.