Membership Levels

We have different levels of membership, in recognition of the stages of using digital technologies a district may be at – and the different interests, needs and roles it may feel ready for – as well as the support roles played by BOCES.

All districts, regardless of their level of implementation of digital technologies, are welcomed to join the K-12 Digital Consortium.  As a Consortium member, you will be able to benefit from:

Regular Membership

All school districts, BOCES instructional programs, and private/ charter/ independent schools) are welcomed to join the K-12 Digital Consortium – regardless of their level of implementation of digital technologies.  As a Consortium member, you will have the following benefits and expectations:

Members’ Benefits:

  • Access to Consortium’s events and shared resources
  • Opportunity for recognition about your district’s technology implementation efforts through the Consortium website
  • Opportunities to be included in grant-funded projects and/or applications
  • Access to consulting services (up to two free per year by Zoom)

Members’ Basic Expectations:

  • Commitment to participate in dialogue about best practices, resources and systems to support uses of digital technology
  • Willingness to share selected data and information about past and current efforts with leveraging technology
  • Identification of a “liaison” from the district’s leadership team (serving as the contact person, responsible to provide information as requested)

It’s Easy to Join as a Regular Member

Advanced Membership Levels

Current Consortium members interested in taking on additional roles within the consortium could apply for the following advanced membership levels:

  • Demonstration Site Member:  For member districts that have achieved an advanced level of technology integration and are willing to “give forward” by sharing their best practices and opening up for visits.
  • BOCES Partner: For BOCES that are willing and ready to proactively support their districts’ efforts towards technology integration

In addition to the benefits and expectations common to all Consortium members, being a Demonstration Site involves the following benefits and expectations:

Demonstration Site Benefits:

  • Official acknowledgement of the district’s achievements on the Consortium website
  • Discounts for Consortium events, services and professional learning
  • Special consideration given to present at Consortium events and to partner in grant proposals

Demonstration Site Expectations:

  • Meeting minimum criteria for advanced digital technology implementation (see separate document), as determined by an established Consortium team through a review of submitted materials plus site visit
  • Willingness to share expertise through Consortium’s offerings of one’s choice (e.g., presenting at selected Consortium events, contributing to the Consortium website, etc.)
  • Willingness to host occasional classroom visits
  • Leadership commitment, in the form of a letter from the Superintendent requesting to join the Consortium at this level
  • At least one year of regular membership expected

Becoming a Demonstration Site will involve, among other things, submitting a self-study and organizing for a site visit – as articulated in detail in our Process to Apply for Demonstration Site Membership.   If interested, please contact Dr. Dave Miller to arrange for a Zoom conversation before you start this process.

Recognizing the unique roles that BOCES can play to support the districts they serve, this level of membership involves the following benefits and expectations in addition to those common to all Consortium members:


  • Link on the Consortium website to PD offerings and other services related to digitally-rich instruction 
  • Special consideration given to present at Consortium events and to partner in grant proposals


  • Creating awareness of Consortium events and resources
  • Co-sponsoring Consortium events and professional learning opportunities of their choice (which will make these events state-aidable and therefore more affordable to districts) 
  • Hosting selected Consortium events and professional learning opportunities of their choice
  • Leadership commitment, in the form of a letter from the appropriate administrator requesting to join the Consortium at this level

Becoming a BOCES Partner will involve conversations with the Consortium Steering Committee about the kind of services and support the interested BOCES can provide – Contact Us for a preliminary conversation if you are interested in getting this process started.

See below for more information about additional benefits and expectations for each of these membership levels, as well as the application process.

Questions About Membership?

Complete this form and a Consortium representative will respond to you soon.