Getting Started

Is your district just considering or starting to embark in a journey towards a technology-rich transformation? If so, there are many important decisions to be made at this stage that will greatly impact the success of the initiative. We have collected here “just-in-time” information and advice to inform these critical decisions.

First Steps for Districts

Learn from the experience of other districts about what needs to be in place before launching a 1:1 initiative, and what are some important questions to ask and steps to be taken to avoid costly failures or set-backs.

First Steps for Teachers (forthcoming)

If you are a student teacher or a teacher who has just been assigned to a technology-rich school, here are some suggestions about what you can do to help you get started with leveraging digital tools and resources without getting overwhelmed.

Intro eModules

Building on other districts’ experiences and effective PDs, we have created a set of guided readings and experiences that can allow your team to independently construct a shared vision for your digital initiative and address some critical initial decisions. Current modules include:

Beginner Support

While the previous resources are intended to help your team get started, there are additional ways the Consortium can support your start-up efforts – do not hesitate reaching out for help!